About the event

Kallol Day 2022 was celebrated on Saturday, 18th of June, in the outdoor lush greens of the Amsterdam Bos.
We started the day with a get together of the members around 11:30 a.m., followed by games for kids and adults, a sumptuous lunch (buffet), and we finally ended the day with a exciting round of Tug of War. The event was wrapped up just around dusk. We believe we could make all the participants happy with delicious chocolate treats as their winning or participating prizes. We thank you all for your whole hearted participation and we hope you all had fun as much as we did to organize the event..

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Venue & Schedule

Date: 18th Jun, 2022   Venue  Amsterdamse Bos Ground No. 11, De Duizendmeterweg 7, 1182 DC Amstelveen.   Time  11AM – 6PM